Earlier today Sheikha Hussah al-Sabah, Director-General of Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, received a delegation from OPEC headed by the Secretary-General HE. Dr. Mohammad Barkindo. They viewed the three exhibitions currently on display at the Amricani Cultural Centre. January 9th 2017
Visits 2016-2017
January 4th 2017
زار مجموعة الصباح الاثارية رئيس قسم الحفظ والمعالجة السيد إبراهيم عبدالعزيز المجرن والكيميائي السيد نايف حمود الوسمي من إدارة المخطوطات والمكتبات الإسلامية في وزارة الأوقاف و قام باصطحابهم في اروقة المخازن والمختبر عبدالعزيز الدويش وأحمد العنزي ومطلق الجريد حيث اطلع الوفد على المقتنيات الاثارية وبالأخص المخطوطات والكتب النادرة
H. E. the Ambassador of the United States of America to Kuwait, Lawrence Silverman and his Family Visit the Amricani Cultural Centre
Today, His Excellency the Ambassador of the United States of America to Kuwait, Lawrence Silverman and his family paid a visit to the Amricani Cultural Centre. They explored the objects in the exhibition Splendors of the Ancient East and the visuals of the Modern Architecture of Kuwait. December 23rd 2016
Tunisia’s Minister of Cultural Affairs Visits the Amricani Cultural Centre
Today, Tunisia’s Minister of Cultural Affairs, Mohamed Zinelabidine paid a visit to the Amricani Cultural Centre and explored the exhibition Splendors of the East. December 22nd 2016
A Delegation of Kuwaiti Military Officers Visited the Amricani Cultural Centre
A delegation of Kuwaiti military officers visited the Amricani Cultural Centre and toured the exhibitions (Modern Architecture in Kuwait, Splendors of the Ancient East and Loans from Kuwait National Museum). They also watched the ‘Story of Amricani;’ a video explaining the history of health care in Kuwait. December 19th 2016
Dr. Elena Maestro’s Visit to Amricani Cultural Centre
Amricani Cultural Centre visit by Dr. Elena Maestro, Researcher, Faculty of Political Science, Universita Catholic a del Sacrosanct Current, Milano. December 6th 2016
The President of Arab Cultural Institute Visits Amricani Cultural Centre
The President of Arab Cultural Institute (Washington DC, U.S.A.), Dr. John Duke Antony paid a visit to the Amricani Cultural Centre. November 30th 2016
Students of the Mariam bint Sabah Secondary School Visit DAI
Students of the Mariam bint Sabah Secondary School in the late Antiquity section of the Splendors of the Ancient East exhibition. November 29th 2016
Students from Arwa Bint Alhareth Elementary School Visit Amricani Cultural Centre
Amricani Cultural Centre visit by the Arwa Bint Alhareth elementary school for girls. November 29th 2016
H. E. the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic (Greece) Visits Amricani Cultural Centre
Today, His Excellency the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic (Greece), Andreas Papadakis and his wife Maria paid a visit to Amricani Cultural Centre. November 28th 2016