CS21-LE 10
Lectures CS21
Lisa Golombek. China’s challenge to the Safavid potter: Imitate or innovate
CS21-LE 9
مشاعل عبد العزيز الهاجري. معمــار القانــون: مقاربــة فـي سكــون الهياكــل و ديناميكيــات التغييــر
CS21-LE 8
Georges A. Bertrand. Muslim aesthetic traces in Christian architecture in France
CS21-LE 7
András Riedlmayer. Islamic art and culture in Bosnia:Past and future of a 600-year-old European heritage
CS21-LE 6
Quinsan Ciao. Exploring the design and developing solutions for the site adjacent to Puhadin Garden of Yangzhou, China
CS21-LE 5
د. شربل داغر. بين الحكاية والصورة: بين يحيى الواسطي وابن دانيال
CS21-LE 4
Jonathan N. Tubb. The emergence of the Phoenicians as the first multinational entrepreneurs
CS21-LE 3
Mercedes Volait. Engaging the art and architecture of Cairo in the 19th century: A cross-cultural perspective
CS21-LE 2
Ziad Sayid Rajab. Jehan Rajab and her role in the Tareq Rajab Museum
CS21-LE 1