A unique French Music Night at Dar Al-Athar Al-Islamiyyah in cooperation with the embassy of France, entitled “Envolées Nocturnes” performed by Samsa group. Samsa is a journey outside the box, a universe where the authors’ musical feelings mysteriously intertwine with mosaic songs and rhythms that get to the heart of pop music. Samsa always finds secret passages between genres that may seem far apart. Samsa has been awarded by many prizes and performed in multiple concerts. This performance took the audience to a colourful journey where occidental pop music meet the best classic French song.
Diplomacy CS25
Music of Italy
A special Music Night at Dar Al-Athar Al-Islamiyyah in cooperation with the embassy of Italy, entitled “Music of Italy” performed by Angela Trematore and Ferdinando Trematore from the Chigiana Academy in Italy. Angela has obtained a piano diploma at the “U. Giordano” Conservatory of Foggia. She received awards from various national and international competitions. She was admitted to the chamber music and piano course at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana and won in duo (with her brother Ferdinando) the scholarship for the best chamber music. Ferdinando Trematore has won in more than 20 national and international competitions. He obtained the Master of Music Degree in 2018.
Music of Bulgaria
A special Music Night at Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah in cooperation with the embassy of Bulgaria, entitled “Two Sopranos Sing Classics and Jazz” performed by a group of talented musicians, such as Preslav Petkov, Anna Karadimitrova, Boris Tasley, Mihail Yossifov, Militsa Gladnishka, and Vasil Spassov.
Music Night in Cooperation with the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan
Dar al Athar al Islamiyyah in cooperation with the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan, hosted a Music Night entitled “Music of Kyrgyzstan” performed by professional musicians from “Ordo Sakhna” Theatre. “Ordo Sakhna” is a non-profit organization that was created in 2004 and combined graduates of conservatory and the laureates of international and regional contests. The theatre aims to retain, develop, and popularize Kyrgyz folk heritage in the world.
Music of Brazil
A spectacular music night at DAI, in collaboration with the Brazilian Embassy, performed by Cris Delanno. Cris Delanno is Bachelor in Arrangement of Brazilian Popular Music. Composer, interpreter, arranger and musician. She has recorded 12 albums and traveled the world singing Brazilian music in major concerts, such as Latin Grammy Awards (TV Concert – 2002), Roskilde Festival (Denmark), Ronnie Scott London’s jazz club), North Sea (Netherlands), Gets Bossa Nova (Japan), BossaCabaret (Paris) and during FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010.