“Promising Talents: Cello” Music Night performed by Ahmed Alsanea and Friends. The evening will feature a selection of Arabic and Western songs that will be performed by talented young youth.
Musics CS24
Kuwaiti Folk Songs
” For Clarinet Lovers” performed by Ali Fouad and Friends. The clarinet is a musical-instrument family belonging to the group known as the woodwind instruments. It was invented in Germany around the year 1700 by Johann Christoph Denner.
‘Four Hands’ Piano Duets
“Four Hands Piano Duets” performed by Grzegorz Nowak & Anna Wielgus. Grzegorz Nowak is a Classical Pianist. He began learning Piano at the age of 7. He won many prizes at national and international competitions. He has given concerts in Poland, Germany, Russia, Italy and Finland. Anna Wielgus is a pianist who was born in Cracow. She started Piano at the age of 6. She took part in many international masterclasses of Solo and Chamber Music led by greatest Musicians in the world.
Music of the ‘80s
“Music of the 80’s With Nadia Mustafa” Nadia Mustafa is an Egyptian Singer. she began singing in 1982 where she became popular after singing “Salamat” which became a hit back then.
Classic Baroque Music
“BaroqueTrumpet” Music Night performed by Edward Timershin,Steve Tarry, Natalia Vozmishcheva & Anastasia Selivanova. The Baroque trumpet flourished during a period known as the “High Baroque” era, which was during the late 1600’s and early 1700’s.
Kuwait Sea and Folk Songs
“Kuwait Sea and Folk Songs” Music Night performed by Bin Hussain Band. Bin Hussain band is one of the oldest traditional bands in kuwait, it expresses and performs old Kuwaiti folk and sea songs.