الموسم الثقافي 23


Stepping Over the Horizon: Dame Freya Stark 1893-1993

Alison Shan Price MBE
Founder and director of One World Actors Centre UK and Creative Director of TAQA Productions, Kuwait, Shan Price has lived in Kuwait for 33 years working with multi-national artists to bring cross-cultural history alive through the medium of original performance. Later this season Shan Price will portray Dame Freya Stark in a new mono drama ‘Freya: Letters from Kuwait’. In 2017, she was awarded the MBE by Queen Elizabeth 11 in the New Year’s Honours List for Services to Dramatic Arts in Kuwait and the Middle East.
Stepping Over the Horizon: Dame Freya Stark 1893-1993
Standing only 5ft 1inch tall in stocking feet, Freya Madeline Stark was a giant amongst 20th Century explorers. She did not allow the small problems of lack of money or warring tribes to stop her plans for exploring places no European had gone before. Poverty, typhoid, kidnapping, or boundaries could not deter her from her goals, whether to be the first European to see the hidden city of Shabwa or to interview the fierce Druze. Freya delighted in ‘going native’ as she pointed out in one of her 24 books and 8 volumes of letters – ‘how else can you know the country if you do not know its people?’


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