الصفحة الرئيسية

János Kubassek. Hungarian travellers in the Islamic world

CS21-L 14

János Kubassek
Dr János Kubassek is the director of the Hungarian Geographical Museum, a member of the Curatorium, Lázár Deák Cartographical Foundation and a member of the Museum Committee of the Hungarian National Cultural Foundation. He is the author of more than a dozen books and 200 scientific and popular journal articles. He has participated in study trips and international scientific and cultural exchange programmes in Europe, Asia, and North America. Finally, he’s led scientific expeditions in Africa, the Caucasus and the Sahara.
Hungarian travellers in the Islamic world
Numerous Hungarian geographers travelled about in the Islamic world, and some of them became internationally acknowledged representatives of Islamic studies. Their observations and notes are of particular importance today, because they present several phenomena that may have a special interpretation today and that may cast light on several recent events. The limitations of the extent of this study do not allow for an in-depth evaluation and analysis, but demonstrating the activity and work of some Hungarian travellers, including György Raszinyai Huszti, Franciscan monk, Gábor Pécsváradi, István Zalánkeményi Kakas, Ármin Vámbéry, and Gyula Germanus will convince the readers that they significantly contributed to the understanding of the Islamic world.

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