Cultural Season 23th


Beauty Lies Within: The art of protein structures

Bahareh Azizi
Dr Bahareh Azizi is a consultant at the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) and the creator/instructor of the DAI’s Experience Science programmes for children. Prior to joining KFAS, she was the head of Basic Science Research at the Dasman Diabetes Institute. She is the recipient of a five year Cruddas/Tseu Senior Fellowship at Oxford University and the author/co-author of numerous articles published in various professional journals. Azizi worked for almost a decade in the US as a research scientist.
Beauty Lies Within: The art of protein structures
Marc Chagall once said “Great art picks up where nature ends”. As most of would agree, nature is art at its purest and earliest form, evident through the natural composition of the earth and wonders of the solar system. However, nature extends beyond the beauty that is seen, felt or heard with the boundaries of our senses, a dimension that is beyond the capabilities of the naked eye. The goal of this lecture is to take the audience through a journey of art where they will discover the world of protein structures, introducing a new meaning to the art of nature. The hope is that the audience will leave the lecture with a renewed sense of appreciation for the phrase: “beauty lies within”.


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