Cultural Season 26th


Dr. Mussaad Razouki. “A for Apple”

‘A for Apple’ presented by Dr. Mussaad Razouki

A is for Apple takes us on a whirlwind tour from the “Fall of Man” all the way to present day through the symbological lens of the humble apple. We bear witness to the power of this noble fruit in antiquity, the Islamic Golden Age, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, Surrealist Art, the Counter-Cultural Revolution, modern tech companies and pop culture (films).
Science may discover the truth behind the secrets of the universe, but art reflects that truth. Have you ever wondered about the mythology behind the Golden Apple of Troy or why we use the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Did Newton really get hit on the head by a falling apple and why do they call New York City the Big Apple?

From Adam and Eve to Steve (Jobs) this is a lecture you definitely want to take a big bite out of.
Dr. Mussaad M. Al-Gathban Al-Razouki is a former child actor and the nephew of the late Mariam Al-Gathban.
Dr. Razouki is the current Chief Investment and Business Development Office of then Kuwait Life Sciences Company (KLSC) as well as a Board Member of the Arab Company for Drug Industries and Medical applications (ACDIMA) where he represents the State of Kuwait. Dr Razouki is also the current General Secretary and Board Member of the Kuwaiti Society for Science, Technology and Innovation (KSSTI) and a Board Member of then world renowned Popular Science magazine.



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