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Cultural Season 26th


Dr. Abdullah Alsarhan. “Love Is Adversity: The Conceptual Metaphor of Love in Arabic”

‘Love Is Adversity: The Conceptual Metaphor of Love in Arabic’ presented by Dr. Abdullah Alsarhan.

This study aims at shedding a light on the concept of LOVE in Arabic according to the conceptual metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson (1980). It suggests that LOVE is conceptualized as ADVERSITY in Arabic.

Dr. Abdullah E Alsarhan
Assistant Professor at Department of Arabic Language -College of Arts, Kuwait University
Ph.D in Classical Arabic literature, The University of St Andrews 2019, thesis title: Cultural Phenomena in Classical Arabic phraseology, case study of the works of Ibn al-Khaṭīb>
MSc in Islamic and Middle Eastern studies, the University pf Edinburgh 2013, Thesis title: The Ismāʿīlī influence on Ibn Hanʾ al-Andalusī’s metaphorical language.


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