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Cultural Season 25th


Alan Villiers & The Sons of Sindbad: An Australian in 1930’s Kuwait

“Alan Villiers & The Sons of Sindbad: An Australian in 1930’s Kuwait”, an exhibition organised in cooperation with the Australian Embassy in Kuwait and supported by the Australian Government. It was opened in the presence of the Australian Ambassador in Kuwait Mr. Jonathan Gilbert.

Alan Villiers was a noted maritime adventurer, journalist, novelist, sailor and photographer who devoted most of his life to the sea and the ships that harnessed the power of the winds.

He travelled to Arabia because he was certain that he was living through the last days of sail, and was determined to record as much of them as he was able. . . . The images provide an unforgettably vivid memorial of the life and skills of Kuwait’s dhow sailor, of the ports along the route, of Kuwait itself, and of the pearl divers of the Gulf.


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