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Cultural Season 21th


MAK ” Modern Architecture Kuwait 1949-1989″

The MAK ” Modern Architecture Kuwait 1949-1989″ exhibition will officially open in the Yarmouk Cultural Centre on Sunday March 20th at 7 PM. This exhibition covers 150 projects dating back to Kuwait in the 1950s.

Recently, the MAK exhibition was referenced in the Italian newspaper SOLE. In their issue of September 25, 2016, the article elaborated on modern architecture in the Arabian Gulf countries, including Kuwait, and how the oil-rich countries became pioneers of modern architecture. In addition, the designers of the MAK exhibition Dr. Ricardo Camacho and Dr. Roberto Fabbri were mentioned in the article. Dr. Fabbri designed many of Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah’s previous and current exhibitions. Dr. Camacho is an architect currently residing in Kuwait; he contributed significantly to the al-Shaheed Park in the Green Belt of Kuwait City.

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